Institution address: 2 Letnaya Street, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region
Institution address: 2 Letnaya Street, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region
Main / About us

About us

International Natural Science School Cluster (ANSSC) of the PhysTech Lyceum named after P.L. Kapitsa — the country’s largest school complex aimed at training technology leaders, a large-scale project to create a world-class technopolis in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region.

The cluster will operate according to a model close to the «Sirius» center, with a focus on teaching engineering specialties and project activities to children.

The design capacity is more than 10,000 children in regular formats per year.

Strategic goals of the scientific and educational cluster:

  • formation of scientific and human resources potential of Russia, education of new technological leaders;
  • creation of technologies that enhance the defense capability and competitiveness of the Russian economy.

The core of the cluster is the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), PhysTech Lyceum named after P.L. Kapitsa, Technopark and the Foundation for the Development of Physics and Technology Schools.

Technopark is a unique facility of the ANSSC, a key platform for replicating the legendary PhysTech system at the school level. 10,000+ students and teachers from different regions of our country will be trained annually in laboratories and workshops equipped with the most modern equipment.

PhysTech Lyceum named after P.L. Kapitsa is a new type of school, the main tasks of which are to create an educational environment that maximizes the creative potential of each student, and to educate a harmonious personality capable of adequately meeting the requirements of the time. In 2023, the Lyceum took the second line of the ranking of the top 200 schools in terms of graduate competitiveness.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is the leading technical university in Russia both in terms of the quality of educational training for graduates and in terms of scientific potential.

The Fund for the Development of PhysTech Schools is a foundation that distributes throughout the country the best educational experience used by MIPT and at the PhysTech Lyceum named after P.L. Kapitsa.

The basis of the cluster’s educational strategy is the adaptation of the unique PhysTech educational system for schools, which was developed by Nobel Laureate P. L. Kapitsa and other scientists at the founding of MIPT. In addition, the best international experience is being adapted and implemented. The work is carried out in close contact with MIPT, as well as with high-tech companies and industry with the active support of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.