Institution address: 2 Letnaya Street, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region
Institution address: 2 Letnaya Street, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region


Technopark ANEO «PhysTech Lyceum named after P.L.Kapitsa» together with the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) with the support of the non-governmental development institute «Innopraktika» opens enrollment in the Interdisciplinary Design School «Hello, Russia!» for young compatriots living abroad.

The educational project shift will take place from July 14 to 28, 2024.

Students between the ages of 14 and 18 who want to realize their potential in creating projects using modern technologies are invited to participate.

Within the framework of the Interdisciplinary Design School, participants will be able to study the methodology of project activities in the areas of activity of the Technopark:

BiochemistryTech (Ecology, Microbiology, Crop Production);
KvantTech (Physics, Alternative Energy);
CreativeTech (creative industries, architecture, fine arts, design);
MechTech (wheeled robotics, humanoid robotics, flying robotics);
Digital technology (virtual and augmented reality, programming);
Engineering (design activities, additive technologies, industrial design, 3D modeling).

In the laboratories of the Technopark, participants will work on modern equipment accompanied by scientists from leading universities of the country. Also, within the framework of the shift, tutor support of individual routes of participants is expected, implying an analysis of the educational experience gained and designing the next steps of the activity.

To become a member of the Interdisciplinary Design School, you must fill out the registration form by June 15 (inclusive).

Materials on the basis of which the selection will be carried out:

  • motivation letter (in the letter you need to indicate your experience in project activities, describe any previous important educational experience, in which direction you would like to prepare a project within the School, why this is interesting, how it can be useful in the rest of your life, do you plan to study in Russian universities in the future, what technologies are you interested in and why, has anyone from your family studied at technical universities), at least 1 A4 page;
  • portfolio (significant achievements that the participant considers important in terms of demonstrating their educational potential).

ATTENTION! According to the quotas of Rossotrudnichestvo for individual countries, foreign participants have the opportunity to receive free tickets to participate in an Interdisciplinary Design School. The list of countries and participants who will receive a quota will be announced later.

Dear participants of the international summer session “Hello, Russia!”!

We inform you that the results of the qualifying competition for participation in the shift from July 14 to July 28, 2024 in the Technopark ANEO «PhysTech Lyceum named after P.L.Kapitsa» are ready. Invitations to the shift will be sent to participants who have passed the selection on June 24-25, 2024 to the email specified when registering the application for participation.

Best regards, shift organizers.

Responsible for the event: Olga Vladimirovna Zhivotovskaya, +7 905 538 3230.

Email address